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recommended to physicians responsible for the observation of HIV-infected people before starting ART to conduct a survey of patients in the scope of dispensary observation .

[3,5,37,57,108,109,110,111,112] (1A) Comments: The examination is carried out to obtain baseline data that will allow assessing the safety and efficacy of the therapy.

According to the results of clinical laboratory and instrumental studies, the state of the main organs and systems of the body (CNS, hematopoiesis, kidneys, liver, lungs, CVS), the presence of concomitant and secondary infections (CVH B and C, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis) and conditions (pregnancy), as well as viral replication activity (VN) and severity of immunosuppression (CD4 level). The scope of required research is presented in Section 2.3. recommended that physicians responsible for the care of HIV-infected patients prepare the patient psychologically before starting ART [89,90,91] (2A) Comments: Treatment is conducted on a voluntary basis and

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    recommended that clinicians responsible for the care of HIV-infected individuals should test for genotypic resistance prior to initiating ART, preferably as soon as an HIV diagnosis is made; or before starting ART [113] (5S): all patients in regions with a prevalence of resistance greater than 10% who are at high risk of primary NNRTI resistance due to widespread use of this group of drugs in the region Characteristics of ARVs and ART regimens are presented in Appendix D1.

    recommended that physicians responsible for monitoring HIV-infected patients choose the optimal ART regimen for a given patient, taking into account possible contraindications to prescribing individual ARVs and risk factors for their use [3,4,37,97,114,115,116] (2A) . Comments: To identify possible contraindications to prescribing a specific ARV, you should carefully study the attached instructions before prescribing it.

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