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FAHZU is a dedicated hospital for patients with COVID -19, especially those in severe and critical condition, which is changing rapidly; they often have multiple organ infections and require the assistance of an interdisciplinary team (IT).

Since the outbreak of the virus, an expert group has been formed at FAHZU , consisting of doctors from the departments of infectious diseases, respiratory medicine, intensive care and intensive care, laboratory medicine, radiology, ultrasound, pharmaceuticals, traditional Chinese medicine, psychology, respiratory therapy, rehabilitation, nutrition, nursing etc. A comprehensive interdisciplinary mechanism for diagnosis and treatment was created, within which doctors, who are in isolation wards and outside their walls, can daily discuss the condition of patients via videoconference.

This allows them to determine scientific, comprehensive and individual treatment strategies for each patient in severe and critical condition. (2) Invasive mechanical ventilation Flexible video endoscope bronchoscopy is a versatile technique that is easy to use and well tolerated in ventilated COVID -19 patients . Its application includes: four Sputum suction (1) Position management. Postural drainage can reduce the impact of sputum on the airways, which is especially important for improving the ventilation-perfusion index.

Patients must learn to lean into a position that allows gravity to assist in draining excretion from lung lobes or lung segments.

For patients using sedatives and suffering from impaired consciousness, a standing bed or headboard height (30°-45°-60°) may be used if the patient's condition allows.

Standing is the best body position for breathing at rest, which can effectively improve the patient's breathing efficiency and maintain lung capacity. If the patient feels well, he should assume a standing position and gradually increase the standing time. > Translation of the previous article (version dated March 25, 2020) into USA: https://medium.com/@artemyokhotin/coronavirus-disease-2019-koviz-19-582202e20248 Lopinavir + ritonavir - + + + + - + 7. CDC: American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 website. Spray can 1.18 1.09 -eight% > Some of the experimental therapies under evaluation for efficacy and safety that have not received recommended status are described in the Research Directions section.

• In critical cases, there may be increased turbidity of all zones of the lungs (“white Virus Year and place of first detection Master intermediate host Epidemic focus 25. Interim clinical guidance for adults with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 in Belgium.

https://epidemio.wiv-isp.be/ID/Documents/Covid19/COVID-19_InterimGuidelines_Treatment_ENG.pdf 28. Miller A., Reandelar MJ, Fasciglione K. Correlation between universal BCG vaccination policy and reduced morbidity and mortality for COVID-19^ en epidemiological study.- Preprint https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.24.20042937 • wash hands after visiting crowded places, before eating and the need to touch your face; 4.3 Pretreatment of other reusable medical devices 3 Serum antibody detection Plasmapheresis, 200-400 ml each time (based on medical advice).

1.1 Order of access and movement in the premises > After discharge of the COVID-19 convalescent from the hospital, home isolation for 2 weeks; drug treatment is not required; antiviral drugs are indicated for patients with multiple lung lesions in the first 3 days after receiving a negative PCR test result.

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