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Prevention of HIV infection is provided by [175-180]: development and implementation of HIV prevention programs; implementation of measures

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  • the prevention and early detection of HIV infection, dispensary observation of persons with HIV infection.

    A set of the following measures is recommended for the prevention of HIV infection [181- 189] (2A): informing the public about HIV infection and related diseases identifying in patients signs that indicate the presence of risky behavior and informing such patients about the means and methods for changing the degree of risk and the need for regular medical examination for HIV infection, as well as motivational counseling for such persons, in order to form their commitment to a healthy lifestyle, rejection of risky behavior; motivation of the serviced contingent to be tested for HIV infection, including informing citizens about the possibility of a medical examination for HIV infection with the provision of contact information for medical organizations where it is possible to carry out voluntary, including anonymous, examination for HIV infection; testing for HIV infection according to clinical indications; dispensary observation of patients with HIV infection; organizing and conducting a survey of the population for HIV infection, including screening.

    Contact persons for HIV infection are medical workers in the event of a risk of HIV infection while providing care to people with HIV / AIDS, who had the opportunity to become infected based on the known mechanisms, routes and factors of transmission of the infectious agent.

    As part of the provision of medical care by an infectious disease Buy Cordarone (Amiodarone) 100mg, 200mg online - Cardiovascular doctor to people who have been in contact with HIV infection, a comprehensive assessment of the type and type of contact, the results of laboratory tests of the source and contact person, clinical examination and counseling of the affected person is carried out. If necessary, a clinical psychologist, a medical psychologist, a psychiatrist-narcologist, a psychotherapist, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a dermatovenerologist, an epidemiologist, doctors of other specialties can be involved in working with victims. Comprehensive assessment

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  • : assessment of the type of contact; assessing the need for HIV PEP; testing for HIV of the contact person and source of infection (if possible); if the source is infected with HIV, find out if he received ART. If the victim is a woman, a pregnancy test should be done to find out if she is breastfeeding.

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