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After discontinuation of the drug, the symptoms disappear. Sometimes slowing of the heart rate can be caused; therefore, the combination of arbidol with beta-receptor inhibitors such as metoprolol and propranolol should be avoided. We suggest stopping these drugs when the heart rate falls below 60/min. Assess pain every 4 hours (Intensive Care Pain Monitoring Tool, CPOT ), measure sedation every 2 hours ( RASS / BISS ).

Titrate the infusion rate of analgesics and sedatives to achieve pain relief goals.

For known painful procedures, proactive analgesia is used.

Screen for delirium with CAM - ICU (Intensive Care Unit Confusion Assessment Method) every shift to ensure early identification of patients with COVID -19. Employ a centralization strategy to prevent delirium, including pain management, sedation, communication, quality sleep, and early restoration of physical activity.

(3) Assistance in creating artificial airways; control of tracheal intubation or percutaneous tracheotomy. COVID -19 is a viral infection, so antibiotics are not recommended to prevent bacterial infection in lung or normal patients; it

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    Antibiotics may be used with caution in patients with the following conditions: extensive lung lesions; excess bronchial secretion; chronic respiratory diseases with a history of pathogen colonization in the lower respiratory tract; taking glucocorticoids at a dose of ?

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  • continuous veno-venous haemofiltration for the treatment of severe cases of avian influenza A ( H 7 N 9): a cohort study [ J ].

    "Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis" 2015;19(2):178-184.

    Evaluation of Plasma Exchange and Continuous Veno-venous Hemofiltration for the Treatment of Severe > Hemorrhagic syndrome against the background of a decrease in blood platelets (DIC). 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.105949 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924857920300996?via%3Dihub > Headaches (8%).

    Treatment according to the classification of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) to improve the healing COVID-19 2019, China (Wuhan) Bat Pangolin? Market 4. COVID -19 Prevention and Control Technical Manual Part 3: Medical Institutions, Zhejiang Provincial Local Standards DB 33/ T 2241.3-2020.

    Hangzhou, 2020 (in Chinese) • As the patient's condition improves, the subpleural ground-glass induration may resolve completely, and some indurated lesions will leave behind fibrous streaks or a subpleural reticular pattern.

    1.2 Location of zones Poland (3) Active cycle of breathing techniques.

    It can effectively remove bronchial excretion and improve lung function without exacerbating hypoxemia and airflow obstruction.

    It consists of three stages (breath control, chest expansion and exhalation).

    The flow for the formation of a breath cycle must be developed in accordance with the condition of the patient. 1.2 Sampling method Adults who meet any of the following criteria: respiratory rate - 30 breaths per minute; oxygen saturation ?93% at rest; partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO 2 )/oxygen concentration ( FiO 2 ) ?300 mm Hg. Lesion progression >50% within 24-48 hours on lung imaging should be considered severe. (2) Wipe the surfaces of objects with a disinfectant containing chlorine at a concentration of 1000 mg / ml, or wipes with effective chlorine; wait 30 minutes and rinse with clean water.

    Perform the disinfection procedure three times a day (repeat for any suspicion of contamination); • Highest Priority : • Maintain platform pressure 50 people at a time; SECOND LINE STUDIES Fibrobronchoscopy.

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