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??Select the appropriate type of endotracheal tube; - undergoing an invasive examination or treatment; • transportation of patients by special transport; Note: In principle, convalescent plasma should not be used in patients with COVID -19 who have had a disease course of more than three weeks. However, in clinical applications, we have found that convalescent plasma therapy is effective in patients with disease progression greater than three weeks and in whom viral nucleic acid is consistently detected on respiratory specimens. It can speed up virus clearance, increase plasma lymphocyte and killer cell counts , lower plasma lactic acid levels, and improve kidney function.

• Molecules that provide invagination of the cell membrane with the virus-receptor complex are not known.

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Cases of infection have been registered in 184 countries of the world, most of which at the beginning of the pandemic were associated with travel to China; since the end of February 2020 - to Italy, South Korea, Iran.

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    Samples should be expertly collected at the site of infection for bacteriological or fungal culture. If a secondary pulmonary infection is suspected, deep lung sputum, tracheal aspirates, bronchoalveolar lavage, and brush specimens for culture should be taken. In patients with high fever, blood cultures should be taken in a timely manner.

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