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In addition, it is advisable to indicate the social status of an HIV-infected person: worker; employee, incl.

an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense; pensioner; disabled person; preschooler, incl. attending a preschool institution; schoolboy; student, incl.

vocational education secondary, higher; unemployed; does not work and does not study at the age of: men - 16-59 years old, women - 16-54 years old; assigned contingent. Also, the outpatient card reflects: diagnoses and conditions, comorbidities, treatment regimens and the reasons for its change, obstetric history (birth, children).

Diagnostic measures during dispensary registration - see section 2 "Diagnosis of the disease". The decision to initiate ART is made: Organization of medical care Medical care for patients with HIV infection is provided on the basis of standards of medical care and taking into account clinical recommendations (treatment protocols) on the provision of medical care.

Indications for hospitalization of the patient: hospitalization of patients with HIV infection is carried out taking into account the severity of the condition and clinical data, depending on the presence of secondary or concomitant diseases Indications for discharge of the patient: there are no special rules for discharge. Discharge from the hospital is carried out after an additional examination, selection of adequate therapy and improvement in the condition of patients.? Additional information affecting the course and outcome of the disease 1. Formation of adherence to dispensary observation and treatment in a patient with HIV infection [216, 217] (2A) Treatment of HIV infection is carried out for life and requires patients to strictly follow the recommendations of doctors and the regimen of therapy. Compliance with ART and dispensary observation should be considered in the same context of the timeliness and effectiveness of therapy.

At present, the task of attracting and retaining patients within the existing system of care is of paramount importance.

The formation of patients' adherence to dispensary observation and treatment of HIV infection is carried out within the framework of a multiprofessional patient-oriented approach using counseling technology. The formation of adherence to treatment as a specific behavior in relation to taking medications is carried out in the process of communication, trusting interaction with the patient. Treatment adherence refers to: taking drugs in strict accordance with the doctor's prescription, when the patient: takes the medicine on time; takes it in the dose prescribed by the doctor; following dietary guidelines.

WHO recommends that 95% adherence be considered as the threshold value, as it provides the best virological response to ongoing therapy.

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