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Chloroquine inhibits the binding of orf1ab, ORF3a, ORF10 to heme and ORF8 and surface glycoprotein to porphyrin.
Favipiravir can inhibit the binding of envelope glycoprotein and ORF7 to porphyrin, preventing this pathway of virus entry into the cell.
As the disease progresses from severe to critical, patients may develop severe hypoxemia, a cytokine cascade, and severe infections that may develop into shock, tissue perfusion disorders, and even multiple organ failure.
Treatment is aimed at removing stimuli and restoring fluid. The artificial liver support system ( ALSS ) and blood purification can effectively reduce inflammatory mediators and the cytokine cascade and prevent the occurrence of shock, hypoxemia, and respiratory distress syndrome. • Restrictive measures during the period of increasing incidence are supplemented - it is necessary to monitor changes in local legislation. Hypoxemia may occur due to impaired respiratory function of COVID -19. Treatment with oxygen supplements can correct hypoxemia by reversing secondary organ damage caused by respiratory distress and hypoxemia.
• who were in this institution; • the appearance of a cough with an admixture of blood in the sputum, pain / heaviness in the chest; • organ failure (2 or more points on the SOFA scale): > According to WHO recommendations, off-label prescription of drugs with alleged etiotropic efficacy should comply with ethical standards. (2) The movement of people in the premises should be distributed according to the principle of "three zones and two passages": a zone for containing infected, a zone for containing potentially infected and a "clean" zone marked with clearly visible warning signs, as well as two buffer zones between zones Buy Viagra Flavored (Sildenafil Citrate) 100mg online - Erectile for Dysfunction infected and potentially infected; (1) Severely or critically ill patients with COVID -19 who tested positive on a respiratory examination; 8 Based on monitoring records, evaluate the performance of the ECMO oxygenator during each shift. ? 1 Organization of work • For infants awaiting test results, a full range of measures are being taken to reduce the risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
- Evaluation of the patient's condition (suspected of a septic condition) on a scale of organ dysfunction qSOFA > 2 points: ??Acute cerebrovascular disease or severe traumatic brain injury; • The second drug in combination with Lopinavir Buy Brand Viagra Bottled (Sildenafil Citrate) 50mg, 25mg, 100mg online - Erectile Dysfunction + ritonavir or Chloroquine / hydroxychloroquine - Tocilizumab at a dose of 400 mg IV drip (possibly 2 times a day (maximum daily dose of 800 mg). The drug blocks IL-6 receptors (COVID-19 stimulates the immune response and causes a "cytokine storm" - elevated levels of IL-6 are associated with high mortality).
(2) Arbidol: increased serum aminotransferase and jaundice.
In combination with lopinavir, the incidence of complications is even higher. After discontinuation of the drug, the symptoms disappear. Sometimes slowing of the heart rate can be caused; therefore, the combination of arbidol with beta-receptor inhibitors such as metoprolol and propranolol should be avoided.
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