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All this determines the multiorganism of lesions and the variety of clinical symptoms.

Epidemiology of a disease or condition (groups of diseases or conditions) The source of infection is a person infected with HIV, in any stage of the disease. The role of an infected person as a source of infection increases in the early and late stages of the disease (the stage of primary manifestations and the stage of secondary diseases with a pronounced impairment of immunoreactivity) [1,2,3,4,5,6].

Ways of transmission of the virus: natural (sexual, from mother to child) and artificial (parenteral - injection, transfusion, transplantation, including when infected material gets on damaged skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth). The virus is transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. The sexual route has been dominant in the spread of HIV infection in recent years. The probability of infection correlates with the number of human sexual partners and increases with inflammatory and dysplastic diseases of the genital organs and rectum.

Mother -to- child transmission of HIV can occur at any stage of pregnancy, during childbirth and while breastfeeding . In general, the transmission of infection occurs in the last weeks of pregnancy and during childbirth.

Without prevention, mother-to-child transmission of HIV is about 20%. Breastfeeding nearly doubles the risk of passing HIV to a baby. parenteral route is implemented by the entry of HIV-infected material into the internal environment of the body during medical, paramedical and ritual interventions.

Among parenteral interventions, intravenous blood has the highest risk of infection. A high risk of infection exists with: intravenous administration of narcotic substances with non-sterile syringes and needles; transfusion of HIV-infected blood and its preparations; use of medical and non-medical instruments contaminated with biological fluids of a person infected with HIV. In addition, organs and tissues of donors used for transplantation can be infection factors. Features of coding a disease or condition (a group of diseases or conditions) according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems The International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10), provides codes for various conditions and health services associated with HIV infection.

Coding is intended for statistical purposes and does not imply a determination of the severity of the course or prognosis of the disease. In the practical use of ICD codes, they may correspond to different categories Malegra 100/30mg, online - DXT (Sildenafil/Duloxetine) Buy 100/60mg Men's Health or stages in the clinical classifications of HIV infection [5, 7]. Below are the conditions and medical services associated with HIV infection, in accordance with ICD-10. Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease manifesting as infectious and parasitic diseases (B20): B20.0 - Disease caused by HIV, with manifestations of mycobacterial infection; B20.1 - Disease caused by HIV, with manifestations of other bacterial infections; B20.2 - Disease caused by HIV, with manifestations of cytomegalovirus disease; B20.3 - Disease caused by HIV, with manifestations of other viral infections; B20.4 - Disease caused by HIV, with manifestations of candidiasis; B20.5 - Disease caused by HIV, with manifestations of other mycoses; B20.6 - HIV disease with manifestations of P.

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