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SARS - CoV - 2 grows predominantly in type Il alveolar cells ( AT 2), and the peak of virus shedding occurs 3-5 days after the onset of the disease. Thus, if a nucleic acid test is initially negative, samples should continue to be collected and tested on subsequent days. ditch, sputum suction, wear appropriately sized respirators (N95, FFP2/FFP3) instead of surgical masks.

Typically, the dosage for convalescent plasma therapy is 5400 ml per infusion, or ?

• Complete blood count, biochemical profile, urinalysis, fecal count + OB , coagulation function + D -dimer, blood gas analysis + lactic acid, ASO + RF + CPR + CCP , ESR, thrombocrit, ABO + Rh factor, function thyroid, cardiac enzymes + quantitative serum troponin, four general tests, respiratory virus test, cytokines, G / GM test,

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  • converting enzyme (1) All healthcare professionals should be aware of the clinical signs of COVID -19 and evaluate patients in accordance with the examination criteria set out below ( see Table I) ; > Etiotropic therapy: 3 Mode selection affiliated hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine Fourth priority level : • Complete nutritional support before and during the weaning process, compensated electrolyte disorders • use respiratory protection equipment (masks, respirators); ?

    traditional Chinese herbal medicine may be considered for patients who sweat; Apply the "combined method of withdrawing fluid under gravity"; output rate ? 35 ml/min; after cancellation, medical waste should be disposed of in accordance with the requirements for the prevention and control of SARS - Cov -2 infections , and the room and tools should be cleaned and disinfected.

    for those whose computed tomography (CT) scans have demonstrated patchy ground-glass attenuation or have involved more than > The genetic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 is 79% similar to SARS-CoV. 2 Medical treatment after discharge > The current number of deaths reported in official national health statistics as COVID-19 deaths is around 100,000 , more than two thirds of which are in Italy, Spain, the United States and France. Clinical manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections (see above), SpO2 ?94%, in the presence of at least one of the signs of an epidemiological history in the last 14 days: While in ventilator support, measures such as a lung protective ventilation strategy and recumbent ventilation are taken within 72 hours. When one of the following conditions occurs , conservative ECMO intervention should be considered .

    (1) Clothes, bed linen, bedspreads and pillowcases used by patients; 10. WHO.

    The situation with the novel coronavirus (2019 -nCoV ).

    https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel - coronavirus - 2019/situation - reports/ XVI . Lung transplantation in patients with COVID -19 ??The patient has the following CT findings with signs of COVID -19: multiple dark spots and early onset interstitial changes, especially in the lung area.

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