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In critical cases, there may be a further increase in compaction, when the density of the whole lung as a whole shows increased turbidity, sometimes called a "white lung".

As the patient's condition improves, the subpleural ground-glass induration may resolve completely, and some indurated lesions will leave behind fibrous streaks or a subpleural reticular pattern. Patients with multiple lobular lesions, especially those with large lesions, should be monitored for disease exacerbation.

Patients with characteristic pulmonary manifestations of disease on CT scans should be isolated and routinely tested for nucleic acid, even if SAR - CoV -2 nucleic acid is negative. When the patient's extracorporeal circulation is stable, all therapy parameters and alarm parameters should be adjusted according to the treatment regimen.

A sufficient amount of anticoagulant is recommended early on, and the dose of anticoagulant should be adjusted during the maintenance period according to different therapy pressures.

After infection with SARS - CoV - 2, specific antibodies are formed.

Methods for determining serum antibodies include immunochromatography

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    The virus is collected in several independent parts, after which the vesicles containing the virion merge with the plasma membrane, and the virus is isolated.

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