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• CNS dysfunction (Glasgow Coma Scale Favorable outcomes in children Microbiological diagnostics (culture) and/or PCR diagnostics for Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type B, Legionella pneumophila, as well as other causative agents of bacterial respiratory Copegus 100mg Anti online - (Ribavirin) infections Buy Viral of the lower respiratory tract if a secondary pulmonary infection is suspected. 1.1 Donors In addition to general qualitative testing and testing for blood-borne diseases, blood samples should be tested for : (1) Before discharging liquid waste into the municipal drainage system, the faeces and wastewater must be disinfected by treatment with a chlorine-containing disinfectant (for primary treatment, the concentration of active chlorine must be more than 40 mg/l). The duration of disinfection should be at least 1.5 hours; Vigilance is necessary for possible invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Antifungals, such as voriconazole, posaconazole, or echinocandin, may be used in the following conditions: ??Patients have been taking glucocorticoids for seven or more days.

??patients have agranulocytosis; ??in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and aspergillus culture, a positive result is recorded in a sample obtained from the respiratory tract; ??Patients with significantly elevated G - test results. • lack of symptoms of damage to the respiratory tract; II .

Online consultation process for diagnosis and treatment III safeguards or even more stringent measures. (2) Persistent exacerbation of pneumomediastinum or subcutaneous emphysema. And the parameters of artificial lung ventilation, according to calculations, cannot be reduced within 48 hours; • It is necessary to manage patients in zero or slightly negative balance. ??By joining a group chat, medical staff can send instant messages using the translation function, as well as receive remote video recommendations and access treatment recommendations. • Immunoglobulin 20 g IV once a day 1 Classification and stage • visits by students to organizations providing general education. At the same time, if there is an appropriate decision of parents or other legal representatives, to ensure for students in grades 1-4, inclusive, the work of duty groups of no more than 12 students in compliance with the sanitary regime.

• Severe course: diffuse compaction of the lung tissue in the form of ground glass and consolidation in combination with reticular changes.

• Complete blood count, biochemical profile, urinalysis, fecal count + OB , coagulation function + D -dimer, blood gas analysis + lactic acid, ASO + RF + CPR + CCP , ESR, thrombocrit, ABO + Rh factor, function thyroid, cardiac enzymes + quantitative serum troponin, four general tests, respiratory virus test, cytokines, G / GM test, angiotensin converting enzyme • 2019 novel coronavirus RNA detection (three sites) (feces), daily • impaired consciousness ( In case of confirmation of the diagnosis of COVID-19 in the hospital, it is necessary to identify the persons who had contact with the patient, among: > Treatment with an appropriate epidemiological history should be started immediately. (3) Onset of pneumothorax, air leak > 1/3 tidal volume, duration > 48 h; > Wash your hands frequently with soap. If soap and water are not available, use disposable alcohol wipes/moisturizing sanitary napkins.

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