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In addition, post-procedure antibiotic treatment plans should be developed to assess the risk of postoperative infections.

> If tested positive for COVID-19, with no or mild COVID-19 (body temperature 93%, pediatric >95%) and absence of other criteria for hospitalization RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE PUBLIC > When the first respiratory symptoms appear, self-isolate; wear disposable medical masks; immediately seek medical care at home without visiting medical organizations, conduct a PCR test for the presence of COVID-19 - a swab from the nasopharynx and / or oropharynx. (3) It is necessary to monitor the health status of all personnel at the workplace, monitor the health status of direct working personnel, including monitoring body temperature and symptoms of respiratory diseases; provide psychological support, help to cope with the physiological problems that arise in such specialists. Medical staff during each shift should monitor the patient's condition and take notes; prevent catheter-associated thrombosis; perform professional catheter maintenance every 48 hours; > ARDS. • separate living area with frequent ventilation and disinfection. Biosecurity measures should be determined based on the different levels of risk associated with the experimental process.

Personal protection must meet the BSL - 3 laboratory protection requirements for respiratory sampling, nucleic acid detection and virus culture work. Personal protection in accordance with the requirements for protection in BSL -2 laboratories is mandatory when taking biochemical, immunological and other standard laboratory tests.

Samples must be transported in special containers and boxes that meet biosafety requirements. All laboratory waste must be strictly sterilized in an autoclave. Today, due to the spread of the pandemic, this experience is the most valuable source of information and the most important "weapon" for medical professionals.

This is a completely new disease, and China was the first to be hit by the pandemic.

Isolation, diagnosis, treatment, protective measures and rehabilitation started from scratch.

We hope this Handbook can provide doctors and healthcare workers in other affected areas with valuable information so they don't have to "fight" alone. ??Control airbag pressure and deal with water condensate when changing position (two people cooperate in dumping and pouring water condensate into a closed container containing a pre-mixed chlorine disinfectant solution); deal with secretions accumulated in the airbag; ??Clear secretions from the mouth and nose in a timely manner.

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