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Comments: HIV PEP is not required in the following cases : with proven positive HIV Buy Detrol (Tolterodine) 2mg, 1mg online - General health status of the contact person; with proven HIV-negative status of the source; in contact with biological fluids that do not pose a significant risk: lacrimal fluid, saliva without blood, urine, sweat [190, 191, 192] (2B). recommended to doctors of the Moscow Region, where the emergency occurred, to provide first aid in the form of self-help to the victim, to involve paramedical personnel in first aid, as well as other persons at the scene of the accident [3, 4, 5, 8, 37.190193] (5Ñ ): in case of cuts and injections, immediately remove gloves, wash hands with soap and water under running water, treat hands with 70% ethanol solution **, lubricate the wound with 5% iodine alcohol solution ; in case of contact with blood or other biological fluids on the skin, treat this place with 70% ethanol solution**, wash with soap and water and re-treat with 70% ethanol solution**; in case of contact with blood and other biological fluids on the mucous membrane of the eyes, nasal cavity and mouth: rinse the mouth with plenty of water and rinse with 70% ethanol solution**, rinse the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes with plenty of water (do not rub); in case of contact with blood and other biological fluids on a dressing gown, clothes: remove work clothes and immerse in a disinfectant solution. recommended that doctors responsible for monitoring HIV-infected people and/or doctors of the MO responsible for monitoring contacts and/or doctors of the MO where the emergency occurred, providing counseling and support for people who have been exposed to HIV [186, 193] (2B): discussing the risk of HIV infection; discussing the risks and benefits of HIV PEP; discussion of adverse events and side effects of HIV PEP. recommended that physicians responsible for the care of HIV-infected patients and/or physicians of the MO responsible for the follow-up of contacts and/or physicians of the health care unit where the emergency has occurred to start PEP as early as possible after the exposure, if PEP is indicated [190] (5C).

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