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Therefore, after removal of mechanical ventilation, a positive expiratory pressure trainer can be used to help move secretions from low-volume lung segments to high-volume lung segments , with reduced difficulty in expectoration.

Positive expiratory pressure can be generated by the vibration of the airflow, which vibrates the airways to achieve airway support.

The residues can then be removed as the high velocity expiratory flow moves them.

Chloroquine phosphate — It is forbidden to combine with drugs that can lead to a prolongation of the Q - T interval (for example, moxifloxacin, azithromycin, amiodarone, etc.). - make sure staff are properly trained and able to follow recommendations; ??The number of leukocytes at an early stage of the disease is normal or decreases, and the number of lymphocytes decreases over time.

62. X-ray criteria for the differential diagnosis of inflammatory changes in viral etiology of OGK (COVID-19) in MSCT.

> Dispose of medical waste, including biological excretions of patients (sputum, urine, feces, etc.) in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for class B medical waste management.

• Patients and their families should wear masks and wash their hands as often as possible.

4.2 Technological regulations for cleaning and disinfection of devices for endoscopy of the digestive system and bronchofibroscopy • Based on in vitro laboratory studies, monoclonal antibodies (mepolizumab) may be effective in blocking the CD147 pathway.

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