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In the latter case, there are distinct morphological signs of herpes virus tissue damage, often in the form of small "necrotic nodules".

Kaposi 's sarcoma ( B21.0 ) associated with herpesvirus type 8 in young patients is a classic HIV/AIDS-associated pathology. Primary localization on the skin, as well as the mucous membranes of the oral cavity in the form of a red-brown vascular papule or nodular formation.

Possible metastasis to the lungs, lymph nodes, organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

There have been cases of KS with a primary lesion of the mucous membranes.

There are stages of spots, papules and nodular lesions. Patients with HIV infection with the development of KS (the so-called epidemic type of KS) are characterized by young age and the presence, in addition to skin elements, of visceral manifestations. Cerebral lymphoma (B.21.2) is an isolated extranodular B-cell tumor. The development of generalized forms of damage is characteristic, with the involvement of all groups of lymph nodes and various

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  • organs (spleen, Buy Cialis Super Active (Tadalafil) 20mg online - Men's Health liver, lungs, intestines, etc.) in the process. Recently, there has been an increase in the background of HIV infection and many other tumors, including squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, caused by the human papillomavirus.

    Recommendations on the principles of pathoanatomical diagnosis of HIV infection and the formation of a pathoanatomical diagnosis and encryption ) in accordance with ICD - 10 . General principles for postmortem diagnosis of HIV infection include : determination of HIV status; diagnosis of immunodeficiency at autopsy; diagnosis of opportunistic infections and other secondary diseases at autopsy; coordination of the final diagnosis with the specialists of the AIDS center; LKK (KILI) in medical facilities with a discrepancy in the diagnosis.

    To make a diagnosis of HIV infection, you must: take into account clinical criteria, laboratory results (ELISA, IB, immunogram (data on the absolute and relative number of CD4, VL) to characterize the morphological manifestations of HIV infection. In the absence or impossibility of correct interpretation of the ELISA / IB data, it is necessary to take into account the data on the detection of HIV RNA or DNA.

    a) the state of the lymphoid tissue - hyperplasia or lymphoid devastation of the lymph nodes, spleen b) the presence of HIV encephalitis or HIV encephalopathy c) weight loss - degree of exhaustion d) isolation of marker infections or tumors with an assessment of their role in the genesis of death The absence of signs of an immunodeficiency state allows us to speak of HIV infection in the acute or subclinical stage, in these cases it is more often considered as a concomitant disease in the presence of other diseases that can be associated with a fatal outcome (viral hepatitis, lobar pneumonia, influenza, etc.) When formulating a diagnosis and assessing cases of HIV infection with AIDS manifestation, it is necessary to take into account the presence of drug addiction, as well as chronic viral hepatitis (usually B + C or C). It is chronic viral hepatitis in its terminal stage and characteristic complications (esophageal and gastric bleeding, phlegmon of the gastrointestinal tract with ascites-peritonitis, etc.) that have recently become the main diseases in cases where HIV infection is considered in heading combined, competing or concomitant disease.

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