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(5) COVID -19 nucleic acid test : The patient must be tested negative for at least two consecutive nucleic acid tests more than 24 hours apart.

Given the increased incidence of negative to positive COVID -19 test results after treatment, it is recommended that the standard be revised to three consecutive negative results. Ideally, negative results should be observed in all body fluid samples, including blood, sputum, nasopharynx, bronchoalveolar lavage, urine, and feces. Given the complexity of the operation, however, at least sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage specimens should be negative.

> Coagulogram with determination of prothrombin time (increased), INR, APTT: to determine signs of acute respiratory failure.

Vigilance should be exercised for possible invasive candidal infection and antifungal therapy. Fluconazole Antibiotics 100mg, or - (Minocycline) Minomycin 50mg Buy online echinocandin can be used in the following conditions: ??patients are taking broad-spectrum antibiotics for seven or more days; ??patients receive parenteral nutrition; ??patients undergoing invasive examination or treatment; ??patients have a positive candida culture in a sample obtained from two or more parts of the body; ??Patients with significantly elevated G - test results.

• ensure the readiness of medical organizations providing inpatient and outpatient medical care, providing emergency medical care, to receive, promptly provide medical care to patients with respiratory symptoms, and select biological material for testing for COVID-19; (2) Only patients are allowed into the waiting areas to avoid overcrowding; 1 Reducing the risk of cross-infection when patients seek medical attention • Intraalveolar edema, hemorrhages of the interstitial tissue.

Faced with an unknown virus, the best way out for us is to share information and work together Poland. Plasma exchange in combination with plasma adsorption or dual plasma molecular adsorption, perfusion and filtration is recommended depending on the patient's situation.

When performing ALSS , it is necessary to exchange 2000 ml of plasma.

Detailed operating procedures can be found in the Expert Consensus on the Application of the Artificial Liver Blood Purification System in the Treatment of Severe and Critical Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia. > ECG: viral infection increases the risk of developing rhythm disturbances, acute coronary syndrome, the timely detection of which significantly affects the prognosis.

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