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"Low level viremia" - repeated values of viral load in the range of 50 - 1000 copies

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  • / ml (low level viremia). "Low-level viremia" is a predictor of the development of HIV drug resistance. The detected VL level is the level of HIV viral load above the detection threshold of the test system (it is recommended to use test systems with a sensitivity threshold of 50 copies/ml).

    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a laboratory method for the qualitative and quantitative determination of the genetic material of HIV, based on the use of the uniqueness of the nucleotide sequences of RNA/DNA sections. Qualitative determination of HIV deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in blood lymphocytes is used in adults for early detection of HIV infection in the established/estimated period of the “serological window” (in the first weeks after infection, when the number of specific antibodies to HIV produced in the body of an infected person is not enough to detect ). HIV RNA quantitation is used in the choice of drugs in ART regimens, to assess the effectiveness of ART and for prognostic purposes (see "Viral load"). Serodiscordant couples - couples who maintain long-term sexual relationships in which only one of the partners has HIV infection.

    CD4 - CD4 + -T-lymphocytes - antigen-recognizing T-lymphocytes-helpers, an essential component of the induction of a humoral response to T-dependent antigens.

    CD8 - CD8 + -T-lymphocytes - T-cytotoxic lymphocytes (T-killers) lyse target cells that carry foreign antigens or altered

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    Elite Controller - a person belonging to a small group of HIV-infected patients who manage to restrain viral replication without antiretroviral therapy, and therefore, despite reliable serological infection, viral RNA in blood plasma is not detected by PCR method The prevalence of elite controllers with the ability to long-term suppression virus replication is less than 1%, temporary control is observed somewhat more often.

    Definition of a disease or condition (a group of diseases or conditions) HIV infection is an infectious anthroponotic chronic disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, slowly progressing and characterized by damage to the immune system with the development of AIDS. Clinical manifestations of the failure of the immune system are opportunistic infections, malignant neoplasms, dystrophic and autoimmune processes, which, in the absence of specific treatment, leads to the death of an infected person [1,2,3,4,5] 2. Etiology and pathogenesis of a disease or condition (groups of diseases or conditions) The human immunodeficiency virus, first isolated in 1983, belongs to the family of retroviruses, a feature of which is the presence of the reverse transcriptase enzyme, which ensures the reverse direction of the flow of genetic information: from RNA to DNA.

    The virus contains two strands of RNA; enzymes necessary for its replication (reverse transcriptase, integrase, protease); proteins and glycoproteins (gp41 and gp120) that form the envelope of the virus.

    Currently, two types of human immunodeficiency virus are known that have some antigenic differences - HIV-1 and HIV-2; the latter is found mainly in West Africa.

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