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• There is no unequivocal opinion about the use of glucocorticoids (GCs).

Doses of drugs: IV hydrocortisone up to 200 mg/day or prednisolone up to 75 mg/day. WHO experts recommend, if possible, low doses of HA, short courses with a severe, extremely severe stage of the disease; patients with persistent hyperthermia (temperature> 39 ° C), with a CT lesion of more than 30% of the lungs or rapid progression (> 50% of the lesion area within 48 hours), with an IL-6 level of ?

2.3 Requirements and procedure for monitoring hospital wards The diagnostic criteria are in line with the COVID -2019 diagnostic and treatment protocols.

A confirmed case is based on the epidemiological history (including cluster transmission), clinical manifestations (fever and respiratory symptoms), lung imaging, and SARS - CoV -2 nucleic acid and serum specific antibodies.

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• novel coronavirus RNA detection (three sites) (sputum), daily > Employment in the health sector. Medical protective mask ( N 95) TREATMENT In the treatment Buy Danazol 100mg, 200mg, 50mg online - Women's Health of COVID -19, it is important to balance the requirements for ventilation and oxygenation, as well as the risk of mechanical damage to the lungs associated with ventilation. Diagnosis and treatment Poland • prevention and/or relief of complications.

• Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe refractory hypoxemia: Murrey index >3 and/or PaO 2 /FiO 2 There are no special features of COVID-19 prevention in relation to pregnant women.

Balance of gut microecology and nutritional support (3) It is necessary to equip a separate passage to the contaminated premises, a visually marked delivery area with one-way traffic and a passage from the service area (potentially contaminated area) to the isolation room (contaminated area); ??In combination with pyrazinamide, it increases plasma uric acid levels.

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Hyaline membranes are a characteristic morphological feature (edematous fluid with fibrin, the presence of fragments of necrotic epithelial cells affected by coronavirus), lining the contours of dilated alveolar ducts, bronchioles.

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