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With a relatively long course of the disease, there is a thickening of the interalveolar septa and their infiltration by monocytes, lymphocytes and plasma cells. In some cases, the development of fibrocystic changes, dystelectasis with alternating atelectatic areas and emphysematous-dilated alveoli is noted.

5. Features of the course and morphological diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in HIV infection.

B20.8 With HIV infection, toxoplasmosis is most characteristic of brain lesions. In the acute course of the process, toxoplasma is found both in nerve cells and extracellularly.

Necrotic changes occur with a mild exudative, predominantly microglial reaction.

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  • of vascular damage, secondary focal aseptic colliquative necrosis is possible.

    Subsequently, the necrotic tissue resolves with the formation of cysts.

    In addition to the brain, toxoplasmosis can also affect the lymph nodes, liver, and other organs. 6. Features of the course and morphological diagnosis of cryptococcosis in HIV infection.

    B20.5 Macroscopically, cryptococcosis can be suspected only with a massive lesion of the pia mater, when they thicken somewhat and acquire a "jelly-like" appearance.

    The main diagnostic value in pathoanatomical practice is acquired by a histological examination, in which, when stained with hematoxylin-eosin, rounded pale-colored formations close in size to an erythrocyte

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  • determined. For cryptococci, it is extremely characteristic to be found in "microcysts" in the substance of the brain and other organs with a minimal cellular reaction.

    7. Features of the course and morphological diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection in HIV infection.

    B20.2 The detection of characteristically transformed cells during histological examination with high accuracy indicates the replicative form of this infection. As an additional diagnostic method, an immunohistochemical reaction can be used, which reveals the affected cells before the development of cytomegalic transformation.

    Around the cells containing viral inclusions, lymphohistiocytic and eosinophilic infiltration is naturally determined. Cytomegalic Buy lesions Volume Pills 60caps online - Herbals are detected in the adrenal glands, kidneys, lungs, liver, brain, retina, thyroid gland and other organs, as well as in the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and the endothelium of various organs.

    8. Features of the course and morphological diagnosis of herpes virus infection in HIV infection. B20.3 In pathoanatomical practice, focal necrotic encephalitis occurs. Histological examination determined focal necrosis, with varying degrees of severity of glia proliferation and vasculitis.

    The most characteristic is the appearance of cells with hyperchromic nuclei, sometimes clear intranuclear basophilic inclusions are determined.

    Aphthous lesions of the mucous membranes also occur. Immunohistochemical study of lesions caused by the herpes simplex virus shows the presence of two fundamental forms - with the expression of the virus antigen in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system without affecting the parenchymal cells and the combined virus infection of the cells of the reticuloendothelial system and parenchymal cells. In the latter case, there are distinct morphological signs of herpes virus tissue damage, often in the form of small "necrotic nodules". Kaposi 's sarcoma ( B21.0 ) associated with herpesvirus type 8 in young patients is a classic HIV/AIDS-associated pathology. Primary localization on the skin, as well as the mucous membranes of the oral cavity in the form of a red-brown vascular papule or nodular formation.

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