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66. Decree of the President of the USA Federation of June 6, 2019 No.

254 "On the Strategy for the Development of Healthcare in the USA Federation for the period up to 2025". An initial routine dose of 0.75~1.5mg/kg IV methylprednisolone once a day (almost 40mg once or twice a day) is recommended. However, methylprednisolone 40 mg every 12 hours may be considered in patients with declining body temperature or in patients with significantly elevated cytokines on routine steroid doses.

Even methylprednisolone 40 mg-80 mg every 2 hours can be considered in critical cases. Closely monitor body temperature, oxygen saturation, blood work, C-reactive protein, cytokines, biochemical profile, and lung CT every 2-3 days during treatment as needed. The dosage of methylprednisolone should be halved every 3 to 5 days if the patient's health improves, body temperature returns to normal, or the involved lesions on CT are significantly reabsorbed. Oral methylprednisolone (Medrol) is recommended to be taken once a day with a reduction in intravenous dose to 20 mg per day. The course of treatment with corticosteroids is not defined; some experts suggest stopping corticosteroid treatment when patients are almost cured.

> According to the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USA Federation, the virus, like some other representatives of this family (SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV virus), is assigned to pathogenicity group II (pathogenic biological agents for which cases of lethal outcomes of the disease are known and / or there is information high epidemic potential).

According to the WHO classification - risk group II (moderate individual danger, low social danger). (3) Medical woven materials should be disinfected and disposed of in accordance with the technological regulations for the disinfection of infected woven materials associated with SARS - CoV - 2; • Chloroquine 500 mg 2 times a day for no more than 7 days.

Prevents the fusion of the virus with the cell by increasing the endosomal pH.

Alternative: hydroxychloroquine 400 mg twice daily, >6 days 200 mg twice daily.

5: multifocal seals on the affected areas; • The use of interferon beta-1b, ribavirin and the combination of lopinavir + ritonavir, as well as their combination, is possible in the case of a moderate to severe infection, when the expected benefit outweighs the potential risk of adverse events. 4 Follow-up Poland damage due to the variety of methodological approaches to fixing the causes of death, the heterogeneity of the tests used in terms of sensitivity and specificity.

57. Decree of the Government of the USA Federation No.

194-r of February 3, 2020 “On Restricting the Entry into the USA Federation of Citizens of the People’s Republic of China” (as amended and approved by Orders of the Government of the USA Federation No.

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