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- Pregnant, lactating women: paracetamol 500-1000 mg up to 4 times a day (no more than 4 g per day); in I, II trimesters of pregnancy ibuprofen 200-400 mg 3-4 times a day for 3-5 days (maximum daily dose of 1200 mg) or celecoxib 100-200 mg 2 times a day for 3-5 days (maximum daily dose for long-term use of 400 mg); in the III trimester, NSAIDs are contraindicated.

1 Rehabilitation therapy for severe and seriously ill patients 1.1 Conservative ECMO • Use compositionally balanced crystalloid solutions rather than colloidal ones.

Fluid therapy should be based on a comprehensive assessment of body needs [A]. In patients in serious condition, if indicated, at the rate of 5-6-8 ml / kg / h with mandatory monitoring of the patient's condition, blood pressure, auscultatory pattern in the lungs, hematocrit (not Selection of test subjects by priority according to the criteria of the Infectious Diseases Society of America: ??Chronic heart failure, cardiac functional classification ?

III degree; ??Uncontrolled hypotension and shock; ??Severe arrhythmia.

_ Diagnosis and clinical classification of COVID -19 > Drugs can be prescribed by decision of the medical commission. Treatment approaches are focused on symptomatic therapy, respiratory support. • in pregnant women, in the postpartum period - the absence of obstetric complications.

The directory is available to everyone free of charge.

However , due to the limited time for compiling it, there may be some errors and shortcomings in the Handbook, so your feedback and recommendations are welcome!

one How to put on and take off personal protective clothing and equipment before working with COVID 19 patients > Limit welcome handshakes, kisses, hugs.

Psychological Intervention in COVID -19 Patients 2. A Trial of Lopinavir–Ritonavir in Adults Hospitalized with Severe Covid-19. Virus cultivation must be carried out in a Biosafety Level 3 ( BSL - 3) laboratory. Briefly, the procedure can be described as follows: Fresh sputum, stool, and other specimens are taken from the patient, after which they are inoculated into Vero - E 6 cells to culture the virus. The cytopathic effect (CE) is observed after 96 hours.

Detection of viral nucleic acid in the culture medium indicates successful cultivation.

Determination of virus titer: After a 10-fold dilution of the viral inoculum, the TCID 50 is determined by the microcytopathic method.

Otherwise, the viability of the virus is determined by the plaque forming unit (PFU). > Pulse oximetry with SpO 2 measurement : a screening method for detecting respiratory failure, assessing the severity of hypoxemia in patients requiring respiratory support, and assessing the effectiveness of therapy.

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