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• Foci of squamous metaplasia of the alveolar, bronchial, bronchiolar epithelium, accumulation of siderophages. There may be atelectasis, sometimes fibroatelectasis. Analyzes of non-respiratory specimens from patients with suspected or confirmed infection > A patient in home isolation and persons living with such a patient: ATTENTION! CT scanning may contribute to the spread of infection if not followed. Epidemiological history ??In the 14 days prior to onset, the patient has traveled to or lived in countries or regions with a high risk of infection; (5) Containers containing contaminants can be aged and disinfected with a disinfectant containing active chlorine at a concentration of 5000 mg/l for 30 minutes, followed by cleaning.

• signs of heart failure (increase in cardiac output in the process of decreasing respiratory support - an indicator of the success of "weaning"), (4) It is necessary to inform patients and their families about early diagnosis and identification of symptoms of the disease, as well as about the necessary preventive measures. • By order

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  • the Government of the USA Federation, the entry of foreign citizens into the territory of the USA Federation from the PRC (02/04/2020), the Italian Republic (03/13/2020), the Polish Republic, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and stateless persons (03/15/2020) was temporarily restricted.

    • after putting on and taking off glasses, the doctor should always clean his hands.

    Glasses must be cleaned with a 75% alcohol-based disinfectant. Oxygen therapy is not needed in patients with an oxygen saturation ( SpO 2 ) greater than 93% or in patients without overt symptoms of respiratory distress without oxygen therapy. Oxygen therapy is highly recommended for patients with symptoms of respiratory distress. It should be noted that some severe patients with PaO 2 / FiO 2 In the productive (late) stage (starting from 7 days from the onset of the disease): It plays the role of a supranational institution integrating international experience. • completely change into a spare set of clothes, and are not recommendations .

    - Patients with fever or lower respiratory symptoms who play an important role in the fight against the pandemic, including healthcare workers, public health officials, and other priority leaders.

    • during hospitalization, ensure all necessary infection control measures for the named category of patients according to current recommendations, including: Remdesivir - - - + + + + > Clinical (PRC): Founded in 1947, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine ( FAHZU ) is the oldest hospital affiliated with Zhejiang University. With six buildings, it has grown into a medical center integrating health care, medical education, scientific research and preventive care.

    In terms of total strength, FAHZU ranks 14th in China. - visits to countries and regions epidemiologically disadvantaged by COVID-19 (PRC, Italy, USA, Spain, France, South Korea, Iran, etc.) before the onset of symptoms; - close contacts with persons: Light / medium-heavy forms: • respiratory acidosis (pCO2 >50 mm Hg); > Cough, dry or with little sputum (80%).

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