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- decreased level of consciousness, agitation - diuresis less than 20 ml/hour • consume only thermally processed food, bottled water; III .

Measures to protect personnel in direct contact with infected COVID -19 • measure body temperature 2 times a day (morning, evening), carefully monitor any changes > In children: signs of respiratory failure (perioral cyanosis, participation of accessory muscles in the act of breathing, retraction of compliant chest areas). - the fact of cohabitation with persons belonging to risk groups (persons >65 years old, suffering from chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, other immunocompromised patients) and the impossibility of their resettlement, regardless of the severity of the disease in the patient; Coronavirus outbreak of global health concern [J]. doi : 10.1016/50140-6736(20)30185-9.) Protection level 1 (1) The preferred option is oral nutrition. Early intestinal nutrition can provide nutritional support and nourishment to the intestines, positively affect the intestinal mucosal barrier and intestinal immunity, and support intestinal microecology.

• Criteria for initiation of mechanical ventilation: respiratory rate > 35 per minute, impaired consciousness, SaO 2 SARS-CoV-2 is a single-stranded RNA virus belonging to the Coronaviridae family .

(1) Lopinavir/ritonavir and darunavir/cobicistat: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, elevated serum aminotransferase, jaundice, dyslipidaemia, elevated lactic acid.

After discontinuation of the drug, the symptoms disappear. • The combination of the above drugs may be more effective than monotherapy; the experience of using the following therapy regimens is described: three-component (ribavirin , lopinavir + ritonavir, interferon alfa-2b), two-component (ribavirin, lopinavir + ritonavir; lopinavir + ritonavir, interferon alfa-2b; ribavirin, interferon alfa-2b).

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Federal State Budgetary Institution GNCC “Vector”, registration certificate No.

RZN 2020/9677, (sensitivity 105 copies of plasmids per milliliter); Federal State Budgetary Institution “CSP” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, registration certificate No. FBUN Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, Registration certificate for a medical device No.

The following biomaterials are used for research Poland: • Interferon spray 1 spray three times a day (peak) Peptide that blocks the penetration of SARS-CoV-2 into cells (USA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Based on data on the structure of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, the mechanism of virus entry into the cell has become clear — through communication with the alpha helix of the ACE2 receptor.

One of the synthesized peptide chains (23 amino acids) showed high affinity for the spike protein with the potential effect of blocking its connection with ACE2.

- Any patient (including healthcare worker) with fever or lower respiratory symptoms and close contact with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients within 14 days prior to symptom onset (including nursing home residents with confirmed COVID-19) Simultaneous detection of nucleic acids in several types of samples can improve the accuracy of diagnosis.

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