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Comments: To identify possible contraindications to prescribing a specific ARV, you should carefully study the attached instructions before prescribing it. Attention should be paid to the anamnesis of life and illness, a thorough physical examination and the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies. recommended that doctors responsible for monitoring HIV-infected people carry out the following diagnostic measures to make a decision on the choice of ARVs: determination of the level of creatinine in the blood serum (calculation of the glomerular filtration rate) – when choosing TDF** [37,48,49,50,117] (2A); study of the HLA B*5701 allele - when choosing ABC** [37,118,119] (2B); study of the level of hemoglobin and neutrophils - when choosing ZDV[OAS1] [EC2] [EC3] **, FAZT ** [37,120,121] (2B); determination of the number of CD4+ lymphocytes - when choosing EFV**, NVP**, RPV [37,122,123] (4Ñ); study of the level of transaminases - when choosing ABC **, NVP **; EFV** [37,124] (5C); study of the level of bilirubin and its fractions - when choosing ATV Buy Strips)) (Cialis - Erectile 20mg, 10mg Tastylia online ** (Tadalafil Dysfunction [37,125] (4C); lipid profiling – Buy (Tadalafil 20mg, Tastylia when - (Cialis Dysfunction 10mg online Erectile Strips)) choosing PI and EFV** [37,126] (4C); detection of osteopenia or its high risk - when choosing TDF** [37,48,49,50] (2B).

recommended that physicians responsible for the care of HIV-infected patients use the less toxic and most convenient treatment regimens in the form of fixed-dose combinations when prescribing first-line ART (starting ART) [37,127] (2A). not recommended that physicians responsible for the care of HIV-infected patients include first-generation NNRTI ART drugs in the starting regimen without first conducting a resistance test in cases where there is a high risk of NNRTI resistance as a result of the use of this group of drugs in PMTCT [37,96,Dysfunction 10mg (Tadalafil - 104,128,129] online (Cialis 20mg, Buy Erectile Tastylia Strips)) (2B). Physicians responsible for the care of HIV-infected patients are discouraged from using certain ARVs and combinations of ARVs that have an increased risk of adverse effects [130] (5C).

Comments: Adverse effects include low efficacy of ART, formation of ARVP-resistant HIV strains, general toxicity, teratogenicity, hepatotoxicity, decreased ARVP levels, and others (Table 1). Antiretroviral drugs and their combinations not recommended for ART.

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