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https://epidemio.wiv-isp.be/ID/Documents/Covid19/COVID-19_InterimGuidelines_Treatment_ENG.pdf 28. Miller A., Reandelar MJ, Fasciglione K.

Correlation between universal BCG vaccination policy and reduced morbidity and mortality for COVID-19^ en epidemiological study.- Preprint https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.24.20042937 • wash hands after visiting crowded places, before eating and the need to touch your face; 4.3 Pretreatment of other reusable medical devices 3 Serum antibody detection Plasmapheresis, 200-400 ml each time (based on medical advice). 1.1 Order of access and movement in the premises > After discharge of the COVID-19 convalescent from the hospital, home isolation for 2 weeks; drug treatment is not required; antiviral drugs are indicated for patients with multiple lung lesions in the first 3 days after receiving a negative PCR test result. • relief of infectious intoxication; 64. Decree of the Mayor of Moscow No.

12-UM of 05.03.2020 "On the introduction of a high alert mode" (as amended by Decrees of the Mayor of Moscow of 14.03.2020 No.

21-UM "On amendments to the Mayor of Moscow dated March 5, 2020 No.

- Testing for the purposes of epidemiological surveillance.

Assess the patient's vital signs, especially history of allergy, blood glucose, coagulation function, oxygen therapy, sedation (for sane patients, pay attention to their psychological state), and catheter performance. The origin, transmission and clinical therapies on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak — an update on the status, Military Medical Research (2020) 7:11. • 2019 novel coronavirus RNA detection (three sites) (feces), daily The course of treatment with chloroquine phosphate should be no more than 7 days.

The course of treatment for other regimens is not defined and is usually about 2 weeks. Antivirals should be discontinued if nucleic acid test results from sputum specimens remain negative more than 3 times. 47. Temporary guidelines “Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

Version 4 (03/27/2020)”, approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, 2020.

cgi?req=doc&base=LAW&n=347896&fld=134&dst=100001,0&rnd=0.5124843473010268#0662228716425711\Ministry of Health of Russia: Website dedicated to COVID-19.

_ Care for continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) • observance of personal hygiene rules: wash hands with soap (at least 20 s), use disposable tissues when sneezing, coughing; - Hospitalized patients who are not in intensive care units, as well as residents of nursing homes with unclear fever or signs of damage to the lower respiratory tract.

(2) Patients who need to visit healthcare facilities should make appointments through other means, including Internet portals that provide necessary directions regarding transportation, parking, arrival times, protective measures, triage information, indoor navigation, etc.

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