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No patient has been discharged from our hospital whose sputum and stool samples tested positive again on subsequent examinations.

However, there are a few reported cases where patients tested positive again after discharge according to the standards of national guidelines (negative results from at least two consecutive throat swabs collected 24 hours apart; body temperature remains normal for 3 days, symptoms improved significantly; clear resolution of inflammation on lung imaging). This is mainly due to sampling errors and false negative Buy Aldara (Imiquimod) 5% online test - Anti Viral results.

The following strategies are recommended for these patients: Drugs that are metabolized via the liver or excreted via the liver and kidneys are preferred, such as linezolid, moxifloxacin, ceftriaxone, etc. (1) PPE : Personnel must be fully protected with work clothes, disposable surgical caps, disposable gloves and long-sleeved thick rubber gloves, medical disposable protective clothing, medical protective masks ( N 95) or filtered respirators with forced air supply (FRPVR), protective face shields. visors, work shoes or rubber boots, waterproof shoe covers, waterproof aprons or waterproof insulating coats, etc.

(2) Sputum sampling: use a closed suction catheter and an appropriate collection bag to reduce droplet exposure.

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