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Information about Coronavirus Disease 2019 2Fprepare%2Fpregnancy-breastfeeding.html > Medical workers who have identified a patient with clinical manifestations of SARS with symptoms characteristic of COVID-19 should observe the patient before arrival and transfer to a specialized mobile ambulance team.

(4) Use without heparin may be considered under the following circumstances: ECMO support must continue, but there is fatal bleeding or active bleeding that needs to be controlled; loop fully covered with heparin and catheterization with flow > 3 L/min.

Recommended operating time 50% within 24-48 h from the first visual signs.

1.2 Use of corticosteroids • Macroscopically: the lungs are dark red in color, of a dense consistency, airless, the mass of the lungs is increased, when pressed from the surfaces of the incisions, a dark red liquid flows down, which is hardly squeezed out of the tissue. (4) If workers show relevant symptoms, eg an inflammatory process, they should be immediately isolated, examined and subjected to a NAT test.

2 Clinical use of convalescent plasma • Arbidol tablets 200 mg three times a day 67. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Interim infection prevention and control recommendations for patients with confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) or under investigation for COVID-19 in healthcare settings. • at a temperature > 38.0–38.5 ° C: antipyretic drugs.

REFERRAL FOR CONSULTATION 58. Decree of the Government of the USA Federation dated March 12, 2020 No. 597-r “On Restricting the Entry into the Territory of the USA Federation of Citizens of the Italian Republic” Poland. • on the UpToDate resource - an integrator page of links to extensive information for doctors and patients from international and national medical associations and organizations (English): https://www.uptodate.com/contents/society-guideline-links-coronavirus- disease-2019-covid-19?topicRef=126981&source=see_link 3.3 Medical treatment one Preparing for CRRT Balanced diet, no special diet required. EPIDEMIOLOGY • sputum; Patients with confirmed COVID -19 often has symptoms such as regret and resentment, loneliness and helplessness, depression, anxiety and phobia, irritation and lack of sleep.

Psychological studies in isolation wards have shown that about 48% of confirmed COVID -19 patients exhibited psychological stress upon early admission, in most cases in the form of an emotional response to stress.

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