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INTERPRETATION OF STUDIES - progression of lung damage within 24-48 hours to > 50% infiltration. • Lopinavir/Ritonavir 2 tablets orally every 12 hours • hepatic dysfunction (an increase in the content of bilirubin above 20 ?mol / l for 2 days or an increase in the level of transaminases two times or more from the norm) - in adult patients; VI .
Antiviral therapy for the timely elimination of pathogens • acid-base disturbances in PvO2 >35 mm Hg.
(2) Use mobile and telecommuting tools to reduce unnecessary contact risks and workload for medical staff, and save protective gear (1) If a patient receiving V - V EC
Treatment of patients with COVID -19 with convalescent plasma (6) Heparin-induced thrombopenia ( HIT ).
If HIT occurs , we recommend plasma exchange therapy, or replacing heparin with argatroban.
The goal of oxygen therapy is to maintain oxygen saturation ( SpO 2 ) at 93%-96% in patients without chronic lung disease and at 88%-92% in patients with type Il chronic respiratory failure . In particular, the oxygen concentration should be increased to 92%-95% for patients whose SpO 2 often falls below 85% during daily activities. (3) The duration of patient visits should be kept to a minimum to avoid cross-infection; 22. (accessed February 23, 2020) (in Chinese). Poland clinical signs and the results of his analyzes, infection with COVID -19 cannot be ruled out.
Clinical classification Poland: (4) Imaging of the lungs shows obvious improvement in lesions; > Protective properties of vaccination against tuberculosis (BCG) (Australia, Murdoch Children's Research Institute in Melbourne).
Based on the low rate of spread of COVID-19 in countries with BCG vaccination in the national vaccination schedule, it was suggested that it has protective properties against COVID-19, possibly due to additional non-specific stimulation of immunity. An experimental vaccination followed by an assessment of the frequency and severity of COVID-19 agreed to undergo medical workers in Australia (4000 people), as well as their colleagues in Germany, the UK and the Netherlands.
> SARS-CoV-2 is included in the list of diseases that pose a danger to others (Decree of the Government of the USA Federation of December 1, 2004 No.