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It is necessary to draw up maps of all zones, install full-length mirrors and strictly control movement in all aisles, corridors, and other premises.

(3) Wipe clean areas first, then more soiled ones: first wipe the surfaces of objects that are touched less often, then those that are touched often (after wiping the surface of the object, replace the used cloth with a new one).

(4) Place the packaged waste in a container for transferring medical waste, attach a special label that contains information about the infection, close the container tightly and transfer to an appropriate place; • Air isolation, oxygen saturation monitoring, nasal cannula oxygen therapy 1.2 Surveys (1) Monitoring and treatment of delayed complications: (4) Weak pulmonary secretion.

Time interval between two airway suctions > 4 hours; (5) stable hemodynamics. No vascular adjuncts required • The S-protein of the crown of viruses mimics angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in its structure. Thanks to this, viral particles successfully bind to ACE2 receptors (there are many of them on the surface of lung cells - alveolocytes), after which they inject their RNA into the cell. imipenem 10 minutes before drug administration 1~8?g/ml Interpretation and adjustment of plasma drug concentration based on MIC investigated pathogens • Ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen, echocardiography and CT of the lungs 4.3 Medical treatment Patients show symptoms such as fever and respiratory symptoms, etc., and pneumonia is noted on imaging.

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