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The wards should have a bathroom with a bathroom, the activity of patients should be limited to stay in the isolation room. • Mild form : clinical symptoms are moderate, with imaging (radiation diagnosis) manifestations of pneumonia are not observed. Editor-in-Chief of the COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment Handbook To increase the sensitivity of detection, the “correctness” of samples, as well as the methods and timing of their collection, is important.

The following types of specimens can be distinguished: upper respiratory specimens (

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  • swabs, nasal swabs, nasopharyngeal secretions), lower respiratory specimens (sputum, respiratory secretions, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid), blood, feces, urine and conjunctival secretions.

    Sputum and other samples from the lower respiratory tract have a high nucleic acid positivity ratio and collection is preferred. SARS - CoV - 2 grows predominantly in type Il alveolar cells ( AT 2), and the peak of virus shedding occurs 3-5 days after the onset of the disease.

    Thus, if a nucleic acid test is initially negative, samples should continue to be collected and tested on subsequent days.

    ditch, sputum suction, wear appropriately sized respirators (N95, FFP2/FFP3) instead of surgical masks. Typically, the dosage for convalescent plasma therapy is 5400 ml per infusion, or ?

    • Complete blood count, biochemical profile, urinalysis, fecal count + OB , coagulation function + D -dimer, blood gas analysis + lactic acid, ASO + RF + CPR + CCP , ESR, thrombocrit, ABO + Rh factor, function thyroid, cardiac enzymes + quantitative serum troponin, four general tests, respiratory virus test, cytokines, G / GM test, angiotensin converting enzyme (1) All healthcare professionals should be aware of the clinical signs of COVID -19 and evaluate patients in accordance with the examination criteria set out below ( see Table I) ; > Etiotropic therapy: 3 Mode selection affiliated hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine Fourth priority level : • Complete nutritional support before and during the weaning process, compensated electrolyte disorders • use respiratory protection equipment (masks, respirators); ?

    traditional Chinese herbal medicine may be considered for patients who sweat; Apply the "combined method of withdrawing fluid under gravity"; output rate ? 35 ml/min; after cancellation, medical waste should be disposed of in accordance with the requirements for the prevention and control of SARS - Cov Buy Ceftin (Cefuroxime) 250mg, 500mg, 125mg -2 online - Antibiotics infections , and the room and tools should be cleaned and disinfected.

    for those whose computed tomography (CT) scans have demonstrated patchy ground-glass attenuation or have involved more than > The genetic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 is 79% similar to SARS-CoV.

    2 Medical treatment after discharge > The current number of deaths reported in official national health statistics as COVID-19 deaths is around 100,000 , more than two thirds of which are in Italy, Spain, the United States and France. Clinical manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections (see above), SpO2 ?94%, in the presence of at least one of the signs of an epidemiological history in the last 14 days: While in ventilator support, measures such as a lung protective ventilation strategy and recumbent ventilation are taken within 72 hours. When one of the following conditions occurs , conservative ECMO intervention should be considered .

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