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In the presence of conditions related to the list of AIDS markers, a mandatory indication in the diagnosis after the phase of HIV infection "AIDS" is required.

All conditions related to AIDS require clear confirmation using appropriate methods and diagnosis of HIV infection.

Without objective confirmation of an AIDS-indicator pathology at an autopsy (for example, if there is only a record of the attending physician in the medical records), AIDS as the cause of death is not included in the diagnosis.

Taking into account international data, all B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas should also be classified as AIDS-defining diseases . To establish the concept of “pronounced immunodeficiency” and classify manifestations[1] of tuberculosis and other infectious diseases as AIDS, the laboratory criterion should be the CD4 count 25 (or body weight >75 kg). Pregnancy. d4T** Peripheral neuropathy, lipoatrophy, or lipodystrophy Age over 40 years -1.

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