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days - Buy Shuddha guggulu 60caps online doctor - Herbals on duty): employees of the Ministry of Defense must immediately report each emergency to the head of the unit, his deputy or a higher manager; in accordance with the established requirements, an authorized person of the Ministry of Defense conducts registration of an emergency situation related to the risk of HIV infection during the provision of medical care; injuries received by medical workers should be recorded in each MO and acted as an accident at work with the preparation of an Act on an accident at work; an authorized person of the Ministry of Defense fills out the Occupational Accident Register; an authorized person of the Ministry of Defense organizes an epidemiological investigation in order to clarify the cause of the injury and establish the connection between the cause of the injury and the performance of the health worker's official duties; in order to provide timely assistance to contacts injured during the provision of medical care, an irreducible stock of rapid tests for the diagnosis of HIV infection and ARVs used for HIV PEP is maintained in the authorized MOs in the region, taking into account the organization of round-the-clock access to ART for 2 hour after injury. Preparations should be in a place accessible to the staff of the institution, including in the evening and at night, weekends and holidays.

The function of prescribing drugs in these cases is assigned to the doctor on duty.

Dispensary observation Dispensary observation is a prerequisite for ART. All patients diagnosed with HIV infection who applied to specialized healthcare institutions (authorized medical organization), after consultation, clinical examination with the establishment of a clinical diagnosis, are subject to dispensary registration and a comprehensive examination, as well as preparation for ART.

Dispensary observation of patients with HIV infection is carried out by a specially trained infectious disease doctor of the center for the prevention and control of AIDS and infectious diseases or infectious disease doctors of other medical institutions (federal, regional and municipal subordination) authorized by the state executive authority in the field of healthcare, who have been trained to work with patients with HIV infection, when interacting with specialists from the AIDS Center.

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