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The main ICD-10 statistical observation codes used in the Russian Federation when compiling medical reports on patients with HIV infection (form No. Since the absence of the possibility of carrying the human immunodeficiency virus has now been scientifically proven, and the detection of HIV in the human body indicates the presence of a disease with a different rate of progression, the use Motilium of 10mg Health Buy - Gastro (Domperidone) online the Z21 code in relation to patients with a laboratory-confirmed diagnosis is incorrect. Comments: In practice, many patients with asymptomatic HIV infection have swollen lymph nodes, and these patients may be in category B23.1. Most have immunologic abnormalities (decrease in CD4 count in many patients, and inversion of the CD4/CD8 ratio in almost all) or hematologic changes (
For such patients, it is advisable to use the ICD-10 code B23.2. Classification of a disease or condition (groups of diseases or conditions) According to the current classification of HIV infection in Russia (RK, 2006) [4,5,7], the stage and phase of the disease are established only on the basis of clinical manifestations. The level of VL and CD4 is not a criterion for determining the clinical stage or phase of the disease. Russian clinical classification of HIV infection 1. stage of incubation. Weight loss less than 10%, fungal, viral, bacterial lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, repeated pharyngitis, sinusitis, herpes zoster.
Phases: progression against the background of the absence of ART, against the background of ART; remission (spontaneous, after ART, during ART). Weight loss of more than 10%, unexplained diarrhea or fever for more than a month, repeated persistent viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoal lesions of internal organs, localized Kaposi's sarcoma, recurrent or disseminated herpes zoster.
Phases: progression against the background of the absence of ART, against the background of ART; remission (spontaneous, after ART, during ART).
Generalized viral, bacterial, mycobacterial, fungal, protozoal, parasitic diseases, including: candidiasis of the esophagus, bronchi, trachea, lungs; pneumocystis pneumonia; malignant tumors; damage to the central nervous system.
Phases: progression against the background of the absence of ART, against the background of ART; remission (spontaneous, after ART, during ART).
Characteristics of the stages of HIV infection Stage 1 - stage of incubation - the period from the moment of infection to the appearance of the body's reaction in the form of clinical manifestations of "acute infection" and / or the production of antibodies. Duration usually ranges from 4 weeks to 3 months, but in isolated cases it can increase up to 1 year.
During this period, active reproduction of HIV occurs in the absence of clinical manifestations of the disease, antibodies to HIV may not be detected.
The diagnosis of HIV infection at this stage is made on the basis of epidemiological data; it can be laboratory confirmed by the detection of HIV, its
During this period, active HIV replication continues and the body's primary response to the introduction of the pathogen appears in the form of clinical symptoms and / or antibody production.
It is believed that the patient may be in the stage of primary manifestations within 12 months after seroconversion (the appearance of antibodies to HIV).