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AIDS virus (HIV) - the causative agent of HIV infection from the family of retroviruses, causing the gradual development of immunodeficiency. Viral load (VL)

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  • amount of virus in the patient's material (plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.), determined using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and expressed as the number of copies of HIV ribonucleic acid (RNA) in 1 ml of plasma.

    Viral suppression is the goal of ART, which is to reduce and maintain the viral load below the level detected by the available tests.

    "Splash (jump) of viremia" (blip) - a single rise in viral load to a level of less than 200 copies / ml after undetectable.

    Genotyping is a method based on the indirect assessment of drug resistance by comparing a consensus HIV RNA sequence with an HIV RNA sequence obtained from a patient.

    immune status (IS) - assessment of the state of the immune system.

    In HIV infection, the percentage and absolute number of immune cells of the regulatory link (helper T-lymphocytes) and the effector link (cytotoxic T-lymphocytes), the most important in the pathogenesis of the disease, are examined.

    Used to monitor the natural course of HIV infection and evaluate the effectiveness of ART.

    Immunoblotting (IB) is a laboratory immunological method for determining antibodies in the blood to various HIV proteins. Due to its high specificity, it is used as a confirmatory method after a positive result is obtained at the screening stage.

    Immunoregulatory index (IRI) - the ratio of the absolute number of CD4 and CD8. In healthy individuals, the IRI value is equal to or higher than 1.

    With HIV infection, the indicator is inverted due to a decrease in the proportion of CD4; the progression of damage to the immune system is accompanied by a decrease in IRI. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and chemiluminescent immunoassay (ICLA) are laboratory immunological methods for the qualitative determination of total antibodies to HIV in the blood. Due to their high sensitivity, they are used as screening methods.

    Body mass index (BMI) is a value that allows you to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s weight and his height and, thereby, indirectly assess whether the mass is insufficient, normal or overweight. It is important in determining adequate doses of pharmacological drugs. Body mass index is calculated by the formula: BMI (kg / m?) \ u003d m / h 2 , where m is body weight in kg, h is height in m.

    Immunochromatographic analysis (ICA) is a laboratory immunological analysis

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  • based on the principle of thin layer chromatography and including the reaction between an antigen and its corresponding antibody in biological materials. It is carried out using special test strips, panels or test cassettes.

    People living with HIV infection (PLHIV) is a collective concept that defines whether a person (people) belongs to a group of people infected with HIV. Undetectable online VL Applicators - 3ml Buy (Bimatoprost) + Eye drop Lumigan level - the level of HIV viral load below the detection threshold of the test system (it is recommended to use test systems with a sensitivity threshold of 50 copies/ml).

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