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Contact persons for HIV infection are medical workers in the event of a risk of HIV infection while providing care to people with HIV / AIDS, who had the opportunity to become infected based on the known mechanisms, routes and factors of transmission of the infectious agent.

As part of the provision of medical care by an infectious disease Buy ProSolution 60caps online - Herbals doctor to people who have been in contact with HIV infection, a comprehensive assessment of the type and type of contact, the results of laboratory tests of the source and contact person, clinical examination and counseling of the affected person is carried out. If necessary, a clinical psychologist, a medical psychologist, a psychiatrist-narcologist, a psychotherapist, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a dermatovenerologist, an epidemiologist, doctors of other specialties can be involved in working with victims.

Comprehensive assessment includes: assessment of the type of contact; assessing the need for HIV PEP;

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  • testing for HIV of the contact person and source of infection (if possible); if the source is infected with HIV, find out if he received ART.

    If the victim is a woman, a pregnancy test should be done to find out if she is breastfeeding. Recommended for doctors responsible for the care of HIV-infected people and / or physicians Medical organizations responsible for monitoring contacts and/or doctors of the municipality where the emergency occurred, for emergency prevention of the disease to persons at risk of contracting HIV infection, prescribe ARVP as a method of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to prevent HIV infection [190, 191] (2B ). Cases of the development of HIV infection have been recorded without any convincing explanation for the ineffectiveness of PEP.

    Case/control data, observational data and monkey models are available. It is recommended that physicians responsible for the care of HIV-infected patients and/or physicians of the MI responsible for the surveillance of contacts and/or physicians of the MI where the emergency

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  • occurred prescribe PEP [190,191,192,193] (2B): to the following
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  • contingents: healthcare workers and other persons injured while providing care to patients; with the following types of contacts, in which HIV PEP is justified - contact with blood, blood-stained saliva, breast milk, secretions from the genital organs, cerebrospinal, amniotic, peritoneal, synovial, pleural and pericardial fluids; for the following types of exposure requiring HIV PEP: through mucous membranes (splashes in the eyes, nose or oral cavity); parenteral.

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