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Three specific SARS - CoV -2 genes , namely open reading frame 1 a / b ( ORF 1 a / b ), nucleocapsid protein ( N ) and envelope protein ( E ) genes, are then amplified by a real-time quantitative PCR technique . Amplified genes are detected by fluorescence intensity.

Let us name the criteria for positive results of the analysis for nucleic acids: A positive test for the ORF 1 a / b gene and (or) the N gene ( E gene ).

(2) The staff should be divided into different working groups. Each working group should work in isolated rooms for no more than 4 hours.

Working groups should work in isolation rooms (contaminated areas) at different times.

• Complete cessation of the action of muscle relaxants and other drugs that depress breathing 14. ECDC: Website of the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Coronavirus Buy Diltiazem (Diltiazem Hcl) 30mg, 60mg, 120mg, 90mg online - Blood Pressure is now on the main page). Patients are allowed to use electronic communication devices to communicate with loved ones; • Elimination therapy, which is irrigation of the nasal mucosa with isotonic sodium chloride solution to reduce the number of viral, bacterial pathogens. 3 Prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia ( VAP ) (4) launch 30% lungs; Disinfection of surgical instruments used in the work with patients with suspected infection or with a confirmed diagnosis (2) Option 2: Carefully remove spilled liquid with disposable absorbent materials such as gauze, wipes, etc., soaked in a disinfectant solution with a chlorine content of 5000 mg/ml.

drug (minimum concentration) 30 minutes before drug administration lopinavir: (4) Surfaces of objects (instruments and devices, including a table for instruments, an operating table, an operating bed, etc.); (2) Microecological preparations can improve the gastrointestinal symptoms of patients. They can reduce the amount of water in the stool, improve the character of feces and the frequency of defecation, and relieve diarrhea by suppressing atrophy of the intestinal mucosa.

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