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Comment: ARVP should be started within the first two hours, but no later than 72 hours.

When prescribing PEP for HIV, the patient is informed about the prescribed drugs, an assessment is made of comorbidity and possible drug interactions.

As additional information becomes available, the scheme is updated. Efforts are being made to improve adherence to prescribing HIV PEP. recommended that physicians responsible for monitoring HIV-infected people and / or doctors of the MO responsible for monitoring contacts and / or doctors of the MO where the emergency occurred, to conduct a 28-day course of taking ARVs, selected taking into account the age of the patient.

A two-drug HIV PEP regimen is effective, but a three-drug regimen is preferred [191] (2B). recommended that doctors responsible for monitoring HIV-infected people and / or doctors of the MO responsible for monitoring contacts and / or doctors of the MO where the emergency occurred, prescribing the following schemes for PEP [191] (2B) : TDF+3TC or TDF+FTC is recommended as the preferred regimen for HIV PEP; DTG is recommended as the preferred third drug for HIV PEP [31] (A1); subject to availability, ATV/r, DRV/r, LPV/r, RAL may be considered as alternative third drug options for HIV PEP. recommended for doctors responsible for monitoring HIV-infected people and / or doctors of the MO responsible for monitoring contacts and / or doctors of the MO where an emergency occurred , dispensary monitoring of victims and people who received HIV PEP, providing preventive measures if necessary [190, 191 , 192, 194, 195, 196, 197] (5C) recommended to doctors responsible for monitoring HIV-infected people and / or doctors of the Moscow Region responsible for monitoring contacts and / or doctors of the Moscow Region where the emergency occurred, testing for HIV on the day of the emergency and 1, 3, 6, 12 months after the contact [ 190, 191, 192, 193] (5C). It is recommended that physicians responsible for the care of HIV-infected individuals should provide ARV to a contact who becomes infected with HIV [37, 92, 146, 198, 199] (1A).

In the event that an accident is related to the provision of medical care to HIV-infected people, the administration of the Moscow Region is obliged to immediately take actions to register the emergency and carry out a set of measures to provide primary assistance Buy Anaprox (Naproxen) 500mg online - Pain Relief to the victim, as well as arrange for the contact person to consult an infectious disease specialist (in his absence, as well as weekends and holidays). days - doctor on duty): employees of the Ministry of Defense must immediately report each emergency to the head of the unit, his deputy or a higher manager; in accordance with the established requirements, an authorized person of the Ministry of Defense conducts registration of an emergency situation related to the risk of HIV infection during the provision of medical care; injuries received by medical workers should be recorded in each MO and acted as an accident at work with the preparation of an Act on an accident at work; an authorized person of the Ministry of Defense fills out the Occupational Accident Register; an authorized person of the Ministry of Defense organizes an epidemiological investigation in order to clarify the cause of the injury and establish the connection between the cause of the injury and the performance of the health worker's official duties; in order to provide timely assistance to contacts injured during the provision of medical care, an irreducible stock of rapid tests for the diagnosis of HIV infection and ARVs used for HIV PEP is maintained in the authorized MOs in the region, taking into account the organization of round-the-clock access to ART for 2 hour after injury.

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